Playing area is prepared

Dear players,

the playing area is set up, let’s get started!

We would like to point out that the entrance is at the corner Dillgesstraße/Thaliaweg.

After a few withdrawals, we still have some remaining places in the A- and B-Open. We will give the places to the first interested persons at the registration.

See you in Berlin!

A- and B-Open fully booked – waiting list opened

We have already received (over) 230 registrations for the A and B Opens. Unfortunately, we only have a total of 230 available slots for the A and B Opens.

Some registrations are still pending as payments have not yet been made or are still in transit. This still provides an opportunity for new registrations to participate in the 1st Berlin U25 Open. However, for new registrations, we ask that you do not make any payments at this time.If spots become available, participants on the waiting list can pay on the first day of the tournament without any additional charges.

Currently, we are waiting for approximately 20 outstanding payments. If you want to secure a spot, please register as soon as possible.

People on the waiting list will be notified when a spot becomes available so you can plan your participation.

See you in Berlin!

List of Participants updated to October lists

According to the announcement of the 1st Berlin U25 Open the Elo and DWZ lists of October 1, 2023 are valid for the divisions of the tournaments (A, B or C). The participant lists have now been updated to these lists. The final classification into the tournaments has thus been made.

In addition, the three wildcards for the A-Open, which the organizer can award according to the announcement, have been assigned. They go to Katharina Reinecke, Daniel Rose and Philipp Sanders. Welcome to the A-Open.

See you in October in Berlin!

Title Norms: Foreigner Requirement no longer mandatory!

Exciting News for Aspiring Norm Achievers: Foreigner Requirement Lifted!

We’re thrilled to announce that the foreigner requirement is no longer in effect for our tournament. With 10 international players holding the title of WIM or higher and a minimum of 20 rated international players participating, we now qualify under FIDE Handbook B §1.4.3 (d):
“1.4.3 (d) [From the foreigner rule exempt are] Swiss System tournaments in which participants include in every round at least 20 FIDE rated players, not from the host federation, from at least 3 different federations, at least 10 of whom hold GM, IM, WGM, or WIM titles. […]”

75% of the places assigned!

We now have 173 registrations for the 230 places in the A and B Open. That is (over) 75% of the available places.

There are already over 40 title holders registered (4 GM, 15 IM, 1 WIM, 18 FM, 1 WFM, 5 CM, 1 WCM) as well as players from 21 different nations so far. They make the tournament without question one of the most prestigious U25 tournaments ever. Far beyond the borders of Berlin, even Germany.

Important: In connection with the registrations it should be noted that starting places in the tournament are only guaranteed if an online registration and a transfer of the entry fee have been made. This is the case for all those published in the list of participants. They have a starting place secured.

If the number of registrations exceeds our capacity limit of 230 players in the A- and B-Open, we will allocate the starting places in the order in which the starting fee is received.

See you in October in Berlin!

Prizes for the C-Open by our Learning Partner Chessable with a total value of €2,225.00!

Logo Königsjäger Süd-West mit Sponsorlogo (Chessable)

We very happily welcome Chessable as our official Learning Partner as well as our prize sponsor for the C-Open!
Chessable is sponsoring the tournament with vouchers and courses which come to a total worth of €2,225!

Due to that generous sponsoring we will have a total of 10 main prizes, 16 category prizes in 8 different categories, and 2 prizes to win for everyone who is present at the award ceremony! Everyone who would be eligible for multiple prizes will win the highest prize they are eligible for. Multiple prizes are not possible.

We wish all participants good luck and please check out Chessable’s courses. They also have a lot of free courses! Especially remarkable is their move trainer which, if used properly, makes sure that you actually remember the variations and ideas of openings and endgames!

PrizeVoucher WorthCourse WorthTotal
1stVoucher + 1 Course150 €150 €300 €
2ndVoucher + 1 Course100 €150 €250 €
3rdVoucher + 1 Course75 €150 €225 €
4thVoucher50 €50 €
5thVoucher50 €50 €
6thVoucher50 €50 €
7thVoucher50 €50 €
8thVoucher50 €50 €
9thVoucher50 €50 €
10thVoucher50 €50 €
U21 1stVoucher75 €75 €
U21 2ndVoucher50 €50 €
U18 1stVoucher75 €75 €
U18 2ndVoucher50 €50 €
U14 1stVoucher75 €75 €
U14 2ndVoucher50 €50 €
U10 1stVoucher75 €75 €
U10 2ndVoucher50 €50 €
Female 1stVoucher75 €75 €
Female 2ndVoucher50 €50 €
Female U20 1stVoucher75 €75 €
Female U20 2ndVoucher50 €50 €
Female U14 1stVoucher75 €75 €
Female U14 2ndVoucher50 €50 €
Best DWZ Increase 1stVoucher75 €75 €
Best DWZ Increase 2ndVoucher50 €50 €
Award Ceremony Raffle 1Voucher50 €50 €
Award Ceremony Raffle 2Voucher50 €50 €

Current Status Partner Accomodations

  • At the “Hotel Morgenland***” 6 single rooms, 5 double bed rooms and 1 three bed room are still available. Our special conditions only apply until 14.09.2023 23:59 CEST. Afterwards all rooms will be available to the public at the normal prizes.

  • At the “Jugendgästehaus Lichterfelde” 1 single room, 4 double bed rooms and 1 six bed room are still available. These rooms are not reserved for us anymore but our conditions still apply. Participants who want to stay here should book as soon as possible.

To book at our partner accomodations, please visit this site: